S u p p o r t U s
Your donation helps us continue presenting outstanding choral performances in Lexington. Click on the Donate button below to make a secure online contribution. You will be redirected to PayPal to complete your transaction. A PayPal account is not required.
You may also send a contribution by check, made payable to The Master Singers of Lexington, to the following address:
The Master Singers of Lexington
P.O. Box 172
Lexington, MA 02420
The Master Singers of Lexington is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and all gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
L o c a l S p o n s o r s
F r i e n d s
Bedford Family and Laser Dentistry | mayadanajimdmd.com
Boston Private | bostonprivate.com
Brookline Bank | brooklinebank.com
Crafty Yankee | craftyyankee.com
Dave's Fresh Pasta | davesfreshpasta.com
Digital Federal Credit Union | dcu.org
Law Offices of Patricia S. Nelson | patricianelson.com
Lexington Dental Associates | lexingtondentalassociates.com
Lexington Music School | lexingtonmusicschool.com
The Lexington Press | lexingtonpress.com
Sounds of Grace | soundsofgrace.org
Wilson Farm | wilsonfarm.com
Winchester Community Music School | www.winchestermusic.org
WhoFish | http://nonprofit.whofish.org
The Seraphim Singers| http://www.seraphimsingers.org/
Concord Womens Chorus | https://concordwomenschorus.org
Our heartfelt thanks to everyone for their support!
Photo: Edward J. Hynes, 2017