S u p p o r t U s
Your donation helps us continue presenting outstanding choral performances in Lexington. Click on the Donate button below to make a secure online contribution. You will be redirected to PayPal to complete your transaction. A PayPal account is not required.
You may also send a contribution by check, made payable to The Master Singers of Lexington, to the following address:
The Master Singers of Lexington
P.O. Box 172
Lexington, MA 02420
The Master Singers of Lexington is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and all gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Lexington Council for the Arts and the Mass Cultural Council in helping us bring choral music to our community.
L o c a l S p o n s o r s
F r i e n d s
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services | bhhs.com
Bedford Family and Laser Dentistry | mayadanajimdmd.com
Boston Private | bostonprivate.com
Brookline Bank | brooklinebank.com
Crafty Yankee | craftyyankee.com
Dave's Fresh Pasta | davesfreshpasta.com
Digital Federal Credit Union | dcu.org
Law Offices of Patricia S. Nelson | patricianelson.com
Lexington Dental Associates | lexingtondentalassociates.com
Lexington Music School | lexingtonmusicschool.com
The Lexington Press | lexingtonpress.com
Sounds of Grace | soundsofgrace.org
Wilson Farm | wilsonfarm.com
Winchester Community Music School | www.winchestermusic.org
WhoFish | http://nonprofit.whofish.org
The Seraphim Singers| http://www.seraphimsingers.org/
Concord Womens Chorus | https://concordwomenschorus.org
Our heartfelt thanks to everyone for their support!
Photo: Edward J. Hynes, 2017