A u d i t i o n s
Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass
The Master Singers of Lexington is an outstanding 30-voice chamber chorus that provides an exceptional musical experience in a suburban location minutes from Routes 2, 3, and 128. Under the leadership of Adam Grossman, the ensemble is noted for inventive programming and compelling performances. Experienced singers from communities throughout Greater Boston enjoy singing with this wonderful ensemble.
Rehearsals are Wednesday nights, 7:30-10:00, at First Parish Church, 7 Harrington Road, on the Battle Green in Lexington Center. The church has ample free parking and is wheelchair accessible.
The 2024-2025 season marks our 55th year and celebrates Adam Grossman’s 30th anniversary as our Music Director. We are thrilled to offer a diverse array of musical experiences this season. Our Fall concert, featuring special guest flutist Meghan Miller, will present Debussy’s Trois Chansons de Charles d’Orleans and Syrinx, along with Foote’s Three Pieces for Flute and Piano and Too Soon So Fair, Fair Lilies. We’ll also perform works by MacDowall, Chadwick, and Whitman Brown, culminating in Lassus and Rutter’s Musica Dei donum. Christmas brings a festive celebration with Chant’s and Byrd’s Ave Maria, our own Majoros’ Veni Redemptor, and Buxtehude’s and Durante’s Magnificat. Our March Pops concert, Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow, will feature a broad selection of music from Berlin, Bernstein, Elton John, Lennon & McCartney, and more. Finally, our 30th Anniversary Concert in May will showcase a rich program including Janequin’s Chanson des Oiseaux, Mendelssohn’s Die Nachtigall, Britten’s Five Flower Songs, and a new work by our Music Director Adam Grossman, alongside Bach’s Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden. Concerts will include both a cappella and chamber orchestra performances, with soloists typically drawn from our talented membership.
Auditions include vocalizing, performing a prepared piece, and sight reading.
For an appointment, please do one of the following:
Contact us via this website
Contact Sue Halliday, susanehh@aol.com, or call (339) 223-9832 (before 10 pm)
Photo: Steven A. Lewis, 2015